Sustainable Quilting: Cutting Apart Jeans Tutorial

Denim is an awesome material to create a quilt from, here is a how-to video with tips for cutting apart your jeans to get started.

Did you know Iโ€™m teaching Field Of Jeans, an imrov workshop on sustainable quilting, at Quiltcon 2022 in Phoenix? There are still spots left! I will be demonstrating how to cut the jeans apart by the seams in ways that highlight different architectural features during the Field Of Jeans, QuiltCon workshop, but if you want to get a jumpstart, depending on how many pairs of jeans you will be working with, you can do some of this prep beforehand. Itโ€™s not absolutely necessary. It all depends on how you want to spend your time in the workshop. Cutting up some of the jeans in advance will allow for more sewing time during the workshop.


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