The Alameda Yarn Shop Thursday Night Knitting Group

I remember the Thursday in early April that I first rode my bike to the Alameda Yarn Shop. I was bored and didn't know anyone in the area, so I looked online for a knitting group. Sure enough one was meeting that very night from 5-9 PM at the local yarn shop in Alameda.

I walked in near the beginning of the evening and there were several serious women, who knew each other quite well, knitting away and eating chocolates. Everyone seemed surprised to see a complete stranger ride up on her bike to join the group, but I was quickly welcomed, and by the end of the evening things got a little rowdy...

I've been a regular ever since. It's hard to describe why it's so much fun to check in with this group of fellow knitters on a weekly basis. It's the punctuation of community I guess. We catch up on the little daily stuff of our lives. We share patterns and techniques, progress on current work, and dreams for future projects. We joke and have fun with each other over things like stash,ย unfinished projects, and other small faults and foibles.

I like this group because of it's diversity. Knitting is what brings us together, but sharing the stories of our lives is what keeps us coming. I like their wisdom and sense of humor especially on subjects of aging, marriage, parenting, and romance.

This week I took my biological sister to meet my knitting sisters in crime and she had a fantastic time!


Knitted Neck Wrap Inspired by Anthropologie


Visiting with my sister