ready for quilting

The Dolores Wolfe memorial quilt is basted and ready to be quilted. Ruth Anne, Dolores's daughter, will be joining me in June to begin the hand quilting as part of her bereavement process. Ruth Anne also wants to explore adding embellishments of buttons and other mementos from her mother's life, which she will be bringing with her from Cincinnati.

I really like how the quilt top came out. I didn't expect it to look like this but Ruth Anne's mother had such an interesting contrast of fine formal wear, with fitted and fanciful details, and rugged everyday clothing suited to someone who made her life as a farmer and crafts person.

The shapes of Dolores's clothing suggested peaks, and rolling hills, very folksy all in all. I also love the swirling movement of the shapes. Are these mountains or figures dancing? Or as Beth at Smazoochie commented earlier, an old-fashioned family portrait?


The Role of Play in Improv Quilting


YOSS2011 MAY 9/24